10 Websites To Help You Be A Pro In Twin Pushchair

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10 Websites To Help You Be A Pro In Twin Pushchair

What to Look For in a Twin Pushchair

If you have two children or babies with the same age, a twin pushchair could be a great choice. They provide two places to transport your little ones and typically come with cosy carrycots or seats for newborns, as well as car seat compatibility for older toddlers.

Be sure to look for models with easy-to-use push handles and a GIANT storage basket. Add-ons like cups holders and a tray for snacks for kids and parents are also helpful.


The classic tandem twin pushchair lets both children to face one another. This is the preferred choice for some parents who feel it less likely to trigger sibling rivalries over who sits where. It's also a good option for places such as the Zoo, where both children can easily see each one another. Tandem buggies are more spacious than single buggies, but they also tend to be wider and longer when they are pushed.

Some twin buggies are designed as a single pushchair, but can be expanded to accommodate two seats or carrycots using an adapter. This is a great solution for families with more than one child. You won't have to buy a brand new buggy when your older child is outgrowing it. However, it may not be a good option for twins in the beginning, as they'll need to be the same age and weight.

The jogger is another type of twin buggy that can be used as a single or double buggy and can accommodate two car seats. It comes with an air-filled tyre and a swivel-forward wheel which means it can be used on off-road trails. It is heavier than other models, but it has added durability.

The Phil & Ted Sport Double Jogger is able to be used with the seat in the main compartment or with an innovative double kit that attaches directly to the single seat. With one swivel front wheel and all-wheel suspension it handles rough terrain better than many other joggers that we have tested and is compatible with a variety of car seats too.

This compact, single-to-double stroller is perfect for urban adventures due to its ease of maneuverability and large shopping basket. It comes with a UPF 50+ sun canopy that expands to provide shade, and a window that peeks out from the front seat so that both children can take in the view. The model doesn't have an inbuilt recline, but it can be paired with a Roma Gemini carrycot (PS100 each) to create a lay-flat space for infants and newborns. It can also be equipped with a toddler seat making it three-seater.


A convertible twin pushchair is a versatile option that lets you alter the layout as your kids get older. The frame starts as a single pushchair with adaptors to add a second chair such as a carrycot or car seat. These models are a bit wider than standard buggy models however, they are able to fit through doors and are much easier to navigate on the kerbs. These models allow you to use two carrycots or a toddler car seat side-by-side which is ideal for siblings.

The iCandy Peach 7 double buggy is a fantastic example of this type. It can be configured with 25 different ways using seats, car seat and carrycots. Our test team loved the way it is slim and light is for a dual-seater, while also offering a spacious, sturdy and comfortable ride for kids. Additionally, the clever and intuitive one-handed recline lever located at the back of the seat unit makes it simple to help your child get into an upright position.

The Uppababy Vista V2 stroller is another example. It comes with removable seats that can be positioned to face forwards or backwards, making it suitable for twins of any age. It also can accommodate a third child in the RumbleSeat or PiggyBack riding board that attach to the middle of the frame.

Multiple configurations

The seating arrangement can have an impact on the functioning of your twin pushchair. You should consider a variety of options that allow you to change the direction that your child's seat is facing based on their mood, situation or even as they develop. The Bugaboo Donkey 5 Twin is an example of a product that's extremely versatile. It comes with a reversible seats and bassinets, which allows siblings to face one another, you or on a brand new adventure. The clever frame can be extended to accommodate an extra seat and can be used in either Mono or Double mode with a variety of accessories for both configurations.

The side-by-side configuration is a popular option for parents who are just starting out. One child is seated behind the second. This type of twin pushchair offers the advantage of giving both children the same view. It is generally more compact than one pushchair, making it easier to navigate in the public transportation system and in doors. The Cybex gazelle S pushchair, for example offers more than 20 options to choose the best configuration for your child. It can also take two car seats or carrycots in tandem mode.

For those who want to take their twins on jogging or go on more adventurous adventures, the Valco Jump Seat attachment turns this double buggy side-by-side into a jogger with both kids facing forwards. This lets you keep up with your running companion while keeping your kids entertained.

Take into  mouse click the next article  when you choose a twin pushchair. They are generally heavier because they come with additional features, such as bigger baskets and padded seats. You might also discover that they're a little harder to manoeuvre than a single pushchair, and you might need to purchase additional accessories, such as rain covers or sunshades to shield your twins from the elements.

Examining the quality of a twin pushchair is as important as making sure it fits your budget and lifestyle. To get the most value you can choose a brand that have a strong focus on sustainability and provide detailed details on their manufacturing methods. Joining parenting groups online or attending local events can help you gain valuable insight on the best twin pushchair.


You'll have to carry a lot of stuff for twins so choose a spacious undercarriage basket and plenty of compartments or pockets to store your essentials. Make sure that the storage areas are easy to access with the seats in different positions too. The UPPAbaby Vista 2 can carry twins or a toddler and a baby, plus has room to include a 'PiggyBack' table for older kids (PS120). The Roma Gemini can accommodate two newborns in the cocoons included (PS59 each) The rejigged design means you can put them in any direction. It comes with a convenient standing fold that makes it easy to put away between usages.